3RD GRADE TEACHER- Social Studies and Science
University of Texas at Arlington
Bachelors of Arts in Kinesiology
PE Certification EC- 12
This will be my 2nd year teaching 3rd grade at Everett Elementary. I am excited to be teaching science and social studies.
I have been teaching and coaching for 7 years before coming to Everett Elementary.
I have taught PE and coached Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Softball for 6 years.
I have a wonderful husband named Richard and two daughters Adalynn & Ellie Kate.
Adalynn is turning 4 in Aigust and Ellie Kate is 20 months.
We have a horse named Blue Boy and cows!
I enjoy playing volleyball, basketball and walking. My family loves going to Pat Mayse Lake for fishing, camping and tubing in our Pontoon boat.